
Adopt a Monkey- Baby Jiwe
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: October 2020
Species: Vervet
Weight: 568g
Likes: Bananas
Dislikes: Water
Jiwe arrived at Colobus Conservation as a young four-day old infant as a result of human abuse. Her mother had one day gone to get an evening meal before they could retire for the day. Unfortunately, some idle kids saw this as an opportunity to entertain themselves and began stoning the poor mom. A blow to the head of the mother was enough to send her falling down from up a mango tree where she cracked her skull and died leaving baby Jiwe all alone. The injuries she sustained were not severe and now she has been fully integrated with other monkeys and even has a new monkey mum called Mrembo
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation. You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can You Adopt Baby Jiwe- THANK YOU!

Adopt a Monkey- Mrembo
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 2019
Species: Vervet
Likes: Monkey dolls, Sleeping
Dislikes: Boxes
Mrembo means beautiful. Mrembo was rescued lonely, hungry and in pain. Mrembo was rescued in one of the local villages in Ukunda. She had been spotted moving around with a 1 meter long metallic chain-link hanging from the neck and limping.
Fortunately, she passed by a school and the security guard spotted her and called the team to come rescue her. When she was brought into the centre, she was in poor medical condition as she had a fractured arm, swollen leg and injured tail. She was also very emaciated and could not lie down and instead preferred to sit upright and tuck her little arms between her legs.
She was immediately given the much needed medical attention, and was put into quarantine. Later, she was introduced into the nursery where her new mum Tima takes care of her giving her lots of cuddles. Her health has since improved immensely and is now on the long road of rehabilitation for future release back into the wild.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation.You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can You Adopt Mrembo- THANK YOU!

Adopt a Monkey- Looey
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: November 2018
Species: Vervet
Likes: Cuddling, cabbage
Dislikes: Noise
Looey was rescued when he was a three day old baby in Salama, Nairobi. His cries alerted his rescuers of an abandoned baby needy of love and care. He was rescued by a lovely family who spoiled him with love.
As he grew up, he became confident and as with monkeys, they always try to assert dominance and such was the case with Looey. Soon, he began showing the family he was the ‘boss’ and would throw a tantrum whenever he could not get what he wanted. The family realised this would potentially become a problem and got in touch with us for assistance.
As much as we do not condone the illegal act of keeping monkeys as pets, we had to help baby Looey. He then took the long journey from Nairobi to Diani.
At Colobus Conservation, he was introduced to his new monkey mom Tima who took in the scared Looey and has since warmed up and become friends with other monkeys in the nursery. He is now on the journey of rehabilitation for a future release back into the wild.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation.You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can You Adopt Looey- THANK YOU!
Adopt a Monkey - Leo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 2018
Species: Vervet
Weight: 2 kg
Likes: Watermelon
Dislikes: Tuk Tuks
Leo arrived at Colobus Conservation in May 2018 when he was 3 months old. He was found by Team Colobus, with his mother, after she had been killed by a Tuk Tuk crossing Diani Beach Road. For the first 24 hours he was only resting and sometimes uneasily calling. He also had a swelling around his eye from the collision. The next day he was more active and the swelling around the eye was going down.
Leo was then transferred to the nursery enclosure and gets to welcome the new infants and being a big brother to them giving hugs and cuddles whenever they are scared as well as playing with them.
He is now on the long road to release and living in the rehabilitation enclosure with the other Vervet monkeys learning wild monkey skills ready for his release.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation.You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can you adopt Leo– THANK YOU!
Adopt a Monkey - Yatima (Tima)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: November 2016
Species: Vervet
Likes: Welcoming and taking care of babies
Dislikes: Green beans
Yatima commonly known as Tima, came into the center in November 2016 when she was just 2 days old, she was very small and sleepy as she was such a young orphan. She needed 24-hour care from the staff and after a four week quarantine period, Tima began integration with the other infants in the nursery enclosure and is now very much part of the troop.
Overtime, Tima developed motherly instincts and would be the one who rushed out to welcome new babies whenever they are brought into the center. This behavior makes her the perfect mommy monkey for the new monkeys that come in.
Tima is now forming her own troop where they are undergoing rehabilitation for release into the wild.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation.You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can you adopt Yatima – THANK YOU!
Adopt a Monkey - Graham
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 2019
Species: Vervet
Weight: 1 kg
Likes: Watermelon
Dislikes: Ropes
Graham arrived to Colobus Conservation in April 2019, having been kept as a pet. He had been condemned to a life of loneliness, and in addition was chained up to a bed post and locked up in a small room never to see the light of day or other monkeys. All this changed when one of his neighbor’s heard his cries of distress and informed Colobus Conservation who were able to successfully rescue him and bring him to the center. Graham was then introduced to the nursery where his new Mum Tima takes really good care of him giving cuddles and hugs whenever he feels lonely or scared. He has also become good friends with Leo whom he plays and runs around with. He is now on the long road to release and living in the rehabilitation enclosure with the other Vervet monkeys learning wild monkey skills ready for his release.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation. You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey. Can you adopt Graham – THANK YOU!
Adopt a Monkey - Loui
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Feb 2019
Species: Vervet
Weight: 500 grams
Likes: Eating
Dislikes: Going to bed in his box
Loui came to Colobus Conservation when he was three weeks old. Team Colobus were on their way to another welfare call out, when a member of the team spotted a man carrying an infant monkey in town together with a sack of scrap metal. The Colobus team promptly stopped the truck and approached the man, who hesitantly gave the little monkey to us.
Attempts to return Loui to his troop, according to the area described by the man, failed and Loui was admitted to Colobus Conservation orphan care. After a short while, he was introduced to Tima who took her as her own baby and gave him lots of hugs and cuddles. Loui being an adorable little guy with a lot of energy, he quickly became good friends with Leo and Graham whom they play together with Tima looking after them.
He is doing very well and already undergoing rehabilitation for future release back into the wild.
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation. You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can you adopt Loui– THANK YOU!
Adopt a Monkey - Tiny Tim
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 2019
Species: Vervet
Weight: 500 grams
Likes: Cuddling and eating watermelon
Dislikes: Cabbage
Have you ever been on a plane? Tiny Tim is one of the monkeys that have had a wonderful experience of being in a plane ride. Having gotten lost from his mom and family while playing, Tiny Tim was scared, hungry and lonely. By good luck, he was rescued by a kind lady who took him home and looked after him.
Being in an isolated island in Lamu Kenya, the lady wanted the best for the little monkey full of energy and knew Colobus Conservation was the best place to bring him. Here he would get a new monkey mom, make new friends and learn how to be a monkey again! With minimum means of transport to bring Tiny Tim to Diani, he got a chance of a life time and boarded a plane and a taxi and finally got to Colobus.
He was well received by Amani and Tima took him in as her baby giving lots of hugs and grooms. Leo became his big brother and is often seen carrying him around. He is now on under rehabilitation awaiting future release back into the wild!
For a gift of $45 you will help us give the orphan the care it needs through providing food, enrichment and medical care during its rehabilitation. You will receive an adoption certificate, free entry certificate to visit your monkey when you can (both are valid for one year), a photo of your monkey, a factsheet with everything you need to know about your monkey and twice a year email updates on your monkey.
Can you adopt Tiny Tim– THANK YOU!

Support the Operational Costs
The Conservation incurs a lot of operational costs and your support is required to keep us running. Your support will go a long way.

Education Outreach
Through education workshops Colobus Conservation promotes awareness of conservation and primate issues in the local community and to schools and students of all ages.

Colobridge Maintainance
Primate road traffic accidents are a common occurrence in Diani. Colobus Conservation have constructed aerial monkey bridges at strategic points across the road, and has thereby succeeded in bringing the number of monkey road casualties down significantly.
For $35, you can sponsor a bridge for quarter of a year, covering maintenance expenses.

Plant a Tree
Diani forests are rapidly depleting due to continued development. Annually, during the long rains, Colobus Conservation strategically plant trees to stem this decline.
$10 will allow us to nurture and plant one sapling that will grow, thrive and reproduce into the future of our forests! These trees will enable the monkeys of Diani to keep living within the urban environment - the second largest population of colobus in Kenya.

Insulate Power Line
Help insulate power lines to prevent primate mortality due to electrocutions.
For $2 you can insulate 1 metre of power line.