Habitat Loss & Reforestation

Colobus Conservation works with communities to conserve and regenerate indigenous forest; protecting the remnant patches in south eastern Kenya for their unique endemism as well as for the colobus monkeys.

Tree Planting Workshops:
To help address the huge amount of deforestation in the area, Colobus Conservation organises workshops in partnership with local schools and businesses to plant a tree planting initiativeminimum of 500 indigenous trees per session in selected fragmented patches within Diani.
Our workshops coincide with the rains in June and November.

We also have a well-stocked tree nursery at the centre where the local community can come and purchase indigenous trees to plant on their properties, and help restore the natural habitat.
To support the community in selecting the right trees for the land where they plan to plant, we have a detailed indigenous tree species catalogue and experienced forestry staff onsite to answer any questions and provide advice.

You can have a direct impact on the reforestation of the Diani habitat by sponsoring the planting of an indigenous tree for $10 – Sponsor a Tree

For more information on our tree planting initiatives please contact – enquiries@colobusconservation.org